



Fashion At It's Best

we guarantee our clients precise and accurate fitting... Always!

We offer training too... At the end of the training; our students are awarded a certificate that is generally accepted in the fashion industry!


* sell quality Fabric and


*Sewing machines and parts.

*Repair and Servicing of machines.

Mr Victor, Hairstylist At WaSoBia Fm Rocking Us.

Mr Victor, Hairstylist At WaSoBia Fm Rocking Us.

Suit For Our Female Clients Always On Point!

Suit For Our Female Clients Always On Point!

Female Suit Crafted With Love!

Female Suit Crafted With Love!

Corset on us can't go wrong, always neatly finished and well fitted!

Corset on us can't go wrong, always neatly finished and well fitted!

At BigRitzy Garment, The Kids Are Covered!

At BigRitzy Garment, The Kids Are Covered!

Female Suit: You Can't Wear Our Signature And Not Be Happy!

Female Suit: You Can't Wear Our Signature And Not Be Happy!

A Satisfied  Client Rocking Heavy Duty Safety Wear Made By Us.

A Satisfied Client Rocking Heavy Duty Safety Wear Made By Us.

Female wear on us!

Female wear on us!

Our Female Clients Love We Make Their Wears For The Fact That The Dresses We Make For Them Is Always Fitted And On Point! 

Client in Accra Ghana on our Native Attire!

Client in Accra Ghana on our Native Attire!

At BigritzEnterprise,

We Give Our Male Client That Legendary, Gentleman, Classy And Ritzy Look.

You Can't Afford To Be Let Out!

Come, Lets Do What We Know How To Do Best; And Let Your Outfit Save You The "All Year" Introduction.

Agbada Made For King! 💯

Agbada Made For King! 💯

At Abeokuta Fashion Week Show With My Fahion Coach!

At Abeokuta Fashion Week Show With My Fahion Coach!

At YECO 4 Rocking Our Blazer, Pant, And Shirt!

At YECO 4 Rocking Our Blazer, Pant, And Shirt!


Mon-Fri:        9:00am-5:00pm

Sat:                9:00am-3:00pm




Email: [email protected]

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